Our good friend Misha Kligman teaches foundation drawing at Missouri Western State University, and asked if we'd come talk to both of his classes about life as working artists. We were happy to do it, and put together a little power point presentation featuring work that showcased our process. More exciting though was getting to participate in two critiques. The assignment was to do an autobiographical illustration either in a series or a single image. The results were varied, and dishing out constructive criticism to a bunch of new-to-us students was kind of a thrill. Between Misha, Mirna and myself, a good range of comments were offered up.. I kept touching on composition, concept, and paying attention to details.. Mirna had drawing technique advise and related well to illustration concerns.. and Misha didn't sugar coat anything. Very tough, very sincere, very effective. To stay engaged and give everyone your full attention for hours (with little nourishment) was exhausting. I left having a new respect for teachers.. and Misha. Great experience! -C
Oh hey, look. I'm in the last picture.
And Misha's holding my book, aha.
Elijah, I hope you continue creating your books. It was one of my favorite pieces.
Thank you :) I'll be putting up other stuff on my Blogger page every now and then. Check it out!
You guys rock! thanks for doing this, people are still talking....
You guys rock! thanks for doing this, people are still talking...
I was there!
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